Recipe Index


Thursday 14 April 2016

Black Grapes Jam

Bread is the most fundamental, ready to eat food of all times & ages throughout the world which turns out to be the greatest of feasts with fresh butter & Jam

Market is flooded with varieties of Jam but homemade Jam is fresh & free of preservatives.

Presenting you the simpler, healthier & tastier Jam recipe with Black Grapes, a purple colored, delicious, sweet and juicy berry.

Preparation time: 10 mins.                      Cooking time: 15 mins.

Black Grapes (Seedless) - 500 g
Sugar - 1¼ cup
Fresh Lime Extract - 1½ tbsp.

Cooking Method: 
1. Wash the Black Grapes and crush them with blender.
2. Transfer the crushed puree to heavy bottomed pan, add little water,once it starts to boil, add sugar.
3. Stir under low flame until the sugar is completely dissolved.
4. Add lime juice & stir until consistency of Jam is achieved
5. Cool & Store in an air tight container. Refrigerate for longer storage

1. Follow the same procedure with any other pulpy fruits to prepare Jam of your choice.
2. Chucks of the fruits in the crush will nourish your taste buds
3. Measurement is subjective to citric content of the fruits………Taste & Vary…..

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