Recipe Index


Sunday 2 October 2016


Mutton Paya can be served as a soup or as  curry. Paya is generally made with mutton legs which needs to be tenderised such that the juices from the legs are extracted perfectly. The legs of the lamb have to be washed very well before making the soup.


For Tenderizing

8 mutton leg pieces
water - 3/4 litre
Toor dal - 3 table spoon
salt - little
Tumeric powder - 1/2 tsp

Dry Roast

Pepper - 1/2 tsp
Daniya - 2 tsp
Sauf - 1/2 tsp

Other Ingredients

Bay leaf , Anise flower - little
Ginger Garlic Paste - 2 1/2 Tsp
Onion -2
Tomato -1
Chilli Pwder - 1 Tsp
Corriander Pwder - 3 tsp
Dry Roast Powder - 2 1/2 tsp
curry leaves
corriander leaves
oil - 4 tsp

For Tenderizing

    1.  Wash the pieces of lamb legs very well with wheat flour and water for about 5-6 times.
    2.  In a pressure cooker add the washed lamb legs, toor dal, tumeric powder, salt and      water ( measurment from for tenderizing)
    3. Pressure cook them on high flame for about an Hour. This step is important as the juices need to be extracted from the legs.
     4. Once done keep it aside , let it cool.

For Making the Soup

1. In a Cooking Vessel add oil and heat.
2. Add bay leaf, anise , curry leaves . Add onion and saute till translucent
3. Add Tomato, ginger garlic paste and saute till the raw smell leaves.
4. Add chilli powder, corriander powder , dry roast powder.
5. Now after sauting all the ingredients together add it in the pressure cooker and keep it in the flame for one whistle.
6. turn off the stove and add corriander leaves for garnish and serve.

1.The amount of water that is added will not reduce . So stick to the amount of water that is added .
2. Adjust the salt as per ur need when you saute.
3. Some corriader leaves can be added at the time of sauting and remaining when you serve.